Tips5 Social Media Tips of the Week

September 22, 2014by averagegiant0
Each week we will provide you with 5 social media tips to help you better understand, and harness the power of social media marketing. Follow us on Instagram [@averagegiantmarketing] for daily social media tips as well.

Social Media Tips 9/22/14

Build-stories-across-platforms social media tips

Build your story across social. Use every channel you are on to tell your story.

Effective social media is about telling a compelling story that facilitates engagement and sharing. Allow your story to help build your audience across multiple social media platforms. Tell different parts of the story on different platforms and instruct followers to go to the various platforms to see the next piece of the story.









Selfies are still KING! People want to see the people behind the brand from time to time.

There’s a reason your selfies tend to get more likes than your other posts. Your followers want to know who you are and what you look like, that’s why they follow you. Whether you own a brand or cultivating your personal brand, show your face.









Dont-be-afraid-to-collaborate social media tips

Don’t be afraid to collaborate with other brands. As long as it makes sense, go for it.

Create a mutually beneficial relationship with a complimentary brand. Collaborating with others can produce some of the best results in content and engagement. By collaborating you bring in a different set of eyes and ideas of how to accomplish a campaign. When done right, your workload should be lighter and execution should be better. Additionally,  working with other brands or businesses in social media allows both brands to gain a piece of the other’s following.







Try-New-Content social media tips

There is no science to viral content. Take a leap of faith and try new things.

Anyone that tells you they can guarantee your content to go viral is lying to you. The truth is there is no guarantee when it comes to virality. There is no magic formula. The best advice for getting something to go viral is just do what feels right. Try it and if it doesn’t work, try something else. Just don’t be afraid to try anything you’re comfortable with doing.









Customer-service-sting social media tips

Use social media to take the sting out of customer service.

There’s nothing worse than having a disgruntled customer, except having to waste precious hours dealing with a customer service issue that could have been resolved with a hashtag, a tweet, and an email. Use social media to handle the majority of customer service issues, and stop stressing every time the phone rings. An added bonus is the cost savings this method presents.








We hope you’ll begin to use these tips in your everyday postings, and let us know how they are working for you. Also don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and Twitter for more social media tips and great articles to help you maximize your social media marketing. Check back in with us every Monday for another set of social media tips.


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